Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Follow my blog with bloglovin

a big hello to all in the blogosphere :)

this is my first post of a blog that i've wanted to start for awhile now - to share with others my life, loves, and lusts, whether it be fashion, style, beauty, food, music.... anything really :)  hoping to meet a lot of great people along the way!

i am very laid-back, relaxed, a dreamer. my own style definately reflects my personality. i've always thought i should have been born in california with the way i view life and the things i enjoy. my style is casual but contemporary... i look to street style blogs and celebrities (favs include jessica alba, nicole ritchie and vanessa hudgens) for fashion inspiration. i love magazine editorial photography... in another life maybe i was a photographer but unfortunately not this one :)  i enjoy great alternative and rock music (and a splash of hip hop as well). for home design i prefer minimalistic design, less is more for me :) i love looking at upcoming home trends/techniques and how i would interpret them for my dream house.

i will share with you all anything that i find interesting, beautiful, or exciting... along the way i will let you in on glimpses of my own life --> different events, places, outfits.

i'm looking forward to meeting and hearing from you all :)  always appreciate comments and suggestions. let's go through this life together!

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